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Pride of Place
Emily Kelleher
3rd Class, Kanturk GNS

The Old Ranch
Dan Lane
3rd Class, St Colemans BNS

Pride of Place
Seán O’Riordan
3rd Class, Scoil Eoin Baiste

Pride of Place
Iain Buckley
3rd Class, Banteer NS

Pride of Place
Aoife Antony
3rd Class, Kanturk GNS

Pride of Place
Úna Keating
3rd Class, Banteer NS
Highly Commended

Category B Winner
The King of The Pride
Liam Allen
3rd Class, St Colemans BNS

Pride of Place
Eimear O’Connor
3rd Class, Scoil Eoin Baiste

Pride of Place
Muiris Reidy
3rd Class, Banteer NS

The Zoo
Colin Sheehan
3rd Class, St Colmans BNS

Pride of Place
Millie Lynam, 3rd Class, Banteer NS

Pride of Place
Alan Brennan
3rd Class, Scoil Eoin Baiste

Pride of Place
Eimear Barrett
3rd Class, Banteer NS