At the end of 2015 Kanturk Arts Festival put out a call for people to have a go and write a 10 min play. The result was a stage reading of six plays in Kanturk Courthouse on 19th of March by local actors. They played to a full house and a very enjoyable night was had by all.
( A stage reading is a form of theatre without sets or full costumes where the actors read from scripts.)
The Mindful Sisters by Ann Leo O’Connor
The Mindful Sisters tells the story of two ladies attending a Mindfulness seminar in Killarney. One sister is receptive to the concept while the other feels they would be better off attending a concert in the Gleneagle….
Performed bu Viv Buckley and Joy Buckley
“The 1926 Revolution Will Not Be Televised,Brother” by Aidan O’Keeffe,
It’s the Saturday after Easter Monday, 1916. The Rising is still taking place. It’s not quiet “business as usual” inside the GPO.
Performed by Timmy Lynch (snr), Timmy Lynch (jnr) and Adam Lynch.
“The Return” by Marie O’Halloran
‘When her first love left, she prays for his return. And then finally, he does!’
Performed by Martin Riordan and Maureen Sheehan.
The host for the evening was Jacqui Feely
The interval act was The Scoil Mhuire Traditional Emsemble
“The Importance of Colour” by Jacqui Feely.
All characters and events depicted in this play are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Performed by Jacqui Feely and Louise Cremin
“The Flood” by Mike Guerin.
“The Fllood” was inspired by recent floods and explores Christian ideas about divine justice and retribution.
Performed by Mike Guerin and John O’Sullivan.
“Up the Republic” by Mary Angland
Features Dolly and Josie, ruminating on what they they “know” of the 1916 Rising.
Performed by Teresa O’Keefe and Sheila O’Connor.