Ruti Lachs

Ruti Lachs has been working in music education and community music in all kinds of settings, and with all ages, for twenty years.
She holds an MA in Community Music from the University of Limerick and has presented her research at music education conferences. 
She plays the piano accordion, piano, trombone, whistle, and violin, and she sings. She performs a one-woman musical theatre show, Sideways on Planet Piano.
In her work with groups, she gives everyone in the group an opportunity to be creative. Her work is inclusive and her approach is original and a lot of fun.
Songwriting and composition workshops on Friday 16th March: for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class! Ruti will facilitate the children of 
Kanturk Girls National School to create and perform a new song, with instrumental accompaniment …. in just an hour!